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Pamper your dog (or not) while you cook

We all want to balance our pets' diet without compromising their health. Sometimes we also want to pamper our dogs, reward them for behaving well, at the restaurant for example. If we don't have a treat at hand, human food is the easiest option. In that circumstance, giving or not giving your dog some food is a matter of education as much as health.

If you want to share food from your kitchen with your pet, it's important to know which ingredients are good for them and which foods are harmful to pets . Read our article to decide whether you want to pamper your dog while cooking or when eating out, and learn how.

Why giving human food to a dog can be dangerous

Opinions are divided on this issue. Veterinarians and ethologists do not agree, nor do owners themselves. Some people cook for their dogs every day, other pets will never eat anything other than kibble , some have a BARF diet (an acronym meaning “biologically adapted raw food”), or a kibble diet but they ask at the table and receive snacks…

First of all, because the pH of a dog's stomach is different from that of a human, certain foods that are digestible for us are not digestible for a pet and may even represent a risk of indigestion or worse, poisoning.

Also, don't forget that all dogs are different: certain breeds are more prone to digestive problems and food allergies than others. For example, Australian Shepherds and Border Collies, Labradors and Golden Retrievers, Dachshunds, Dalmatians, and Boxers tend to have fragile stomachs. Keep an eye on your dog and consult your veterinarian if you want more information on this topic.

Consider the risk of overweight , which increases the severity of other health conditions. Indeed, many human foods are high in calories and fat and exceed the daily intake needs of any pet. Some owners think that sausages, hot dogs, and ham are “protein” and therefore harmless, but in reality they can be too caloric for dogs, even for larger breeds.

Greyhound dog with martingale collar and identification tag

Some recommendations

If you've thought about it and want to give your dog human food, here are some recommendations to avoid the most common problems. Giving leftovers can be dangerous because certain ingredients are not processed correctly by their digestive systems, for example onions and garlic. If you want to give your pet a bone, you should always choose raw bones to avoid blockages or health problems. Cooked bones can splinter in the stomach or intestine and cause serious consequences - so no chicken carcasses, instead use them to prepare the broth for chilaquiles. In fact, chicken bones are prohibited, even raw.

Here are two lists of foods: one of those you can indulge your dog in and another of those you should avoid.

What your dog should never eat

Dogs should never eat the following foods. All of these ingredients are highly discouraged:

  • Avocado , grapes and chocolate , which dogs cannot digest
  • Coffee , tea and alcohol are harmful to the nervous and cardiac systems
  • Onion and garlic , toxic, which affect the circulatory system.
  • Fruit with seeds (apple or pear, for example)
  • Macadamia nut, almond, pistachios
  • Xylitol or other artificial sugars , which contain substances poisonous to dogs

Cow's milk, yogurt, and cheese can be consumed occasionally , but keep in mind that many dogs are lactose intolerant . It is best to avoid your dog eating dairy products.

If your pet consumes one of the “forbidden” foods, monitor its condition and if you have any doubts, go to the nearest veterinarian to have it checked by a professional. In most cases, the amount is too small to cause serious damage but it is important to take care of your pet. If it starts vomiting, has blood in its stool, if its behavior changes and you suspect it ate something, act quickly to avoid any problems.

poodle dog with martingale collar and identification tag

What your pet can eat

Dogs can consume without any risk (except in specific cases, food allergies or intolerances, for which you should consult your veterinarian):

  • Eggs , preferably boiled
  • Fish without bones , fresh, without salt
  • Well cooked rice, without salt, garlic or onion
  • Vegetables and fruits: lettuce, celery (excellent for dental cleaning), broccoli, carrot, spinach, pumpkin, green beans, banana, seedless apple, watermelon, melon, pear
  • Cooked oats , without any additives
  • Peanut butter (ideal for filling Kong-type intelligence toys that keep your dog busy for hours)

These foods can be beneficial for animals: sources of vitamins, minerals, healthy fats . Check that they do not have added ingredients (in the case of peanut butter) such as xylitol, which is highly toxic to dogs. Also avoid excess sodium .

If you are in a restaurant and you want to give your dog bread, tortilla or toast, try not to overdo it with the amount. Although they do not cause serious digestion problems, they may find it heavy. Another alternative is to give your dog a treat that he can nibble on without risking his health.

If you want to prepare a delicious treat for your dog, check out our pumpkin treat recipe here .

If you're stressed about the possibility of making a mistake and giving your pet a food that doesn't suit them, EPIC Pets offers a range of 100% natural treats , enriched with vitamins and minerals , without any preservatives, perfect rewards for them. Choose between skirt steak or sirloin strips, dehydrated heart or lung, chicken feet... They are a low-fat and low-calorie, 100% safe alternative to bones that your pet will undoubtedly love.

1 Comment

  • ¿Qué precauciones deben tomarse al alimentar a un perro, considerando las diferencias digestivas entre los humanos y las mascotas, y cómo varía la alimentación según la raza y los problemas digestivos específicos? Regards Best University

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