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How to take care of my dog ​​in the cold?

The days are getting shorter, the temperatures are dropping, we pull out our woollen jumpers and gloves and suddenly the question arises: how to face the beginning of winter with a pet? Of course, it depends a lot on where you live and what your dog is like. The climate in certain regions is unforgiving, while others are mild all year round, there are breeds that are more or less prone to cold weather

Read on to discover useful tips for caring for your dog and ensuring its well-being during the cold season .

The coldest breeds

Dog breeds – or mixes – are not the same when it comes to temperatures, whether high or low. Resistance to low temperatures has a lot to do with the coat – its density, its length, the presence of a double layer. Huskies, Saint Bernards, Akitas, and German Shepherds, originating from high mountain forests or snowy areas, evolved to adapt to cold environments , which generally do not affect them.

However, the dogs that suffer most in extreme seasons are those with very short hair and little body fat , for example xoloitzcuintles and hairless dogs, chihuahuas, French bulldogs and pugs, Great Danes, greyhounds and poodles. They therefore require additional care in winter.

Health status, age and lifestyle are also essential factors in this matter. Older dogs or puppies are more vulnerable because their metabolism is not optimal, as are overweight dogs.

Yorkshire dog with puffer vest for the cold

How to know if your dog is cold?

Dogs that live in apartments or indoors are often more sensitive to the cold . They don't get used to temperature changes as much, so keeping an eye on them is especially important during the winter. There are several signs for pet owners:

  • Tremors : whether moving or not, the dog shiver visibly;
  • Lethargy : behavior changes, moving slower, sleeping more than usual, generally curling up to conserve heat;
  • Breathing : Your breathing is slower, and your nose may be dry.

As with humans, the symptoms of a cold are: coughing, sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes . If you notice these symptoms in your pet, it is important to go to the vet to avoid any complications, especially if their behavior or appetite changes.

Precautions in winter

If your dog is used to sleeping outside, it is necessary to offer him a closed house that is isolated from the ground. Some veterinarians advise increasing food rations, since in the cold more calories are consumed, especially if he spends a lot of time outside. Beyond his diet, other adaptations can be useful. It is possible to adapt the walk to the season , for example by changing the time or reducing the duration in case of extreme weather. It is important to check the pads and paws on the way back to make sure they are not injured, and to dry the dog if his hair is wet .

Mixed breed dog dressed in a puffer vest against the cold

If your dog starts to shiver during a walk, you should go back or put a sweater or vest on him to protect him , prevent him from getting cold and ensure that he can fully enjoy his outings. That's why we designed the EPIC puffer with the highest quality and attention to detail in five sizes to suit all body types, in a premium material that maintains an optimal state of warmth for your pet on cold days.

Despite what many people believe, it does get cold in Mexico . Don't wait to buy the 100% nationally made vest that your pet deserves!


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