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The best places to run with your dog in CDMX

In a capital as large as Mexico City, finding the perfect place to run with your dog can seem like a challenge . Some streets are not pleasant, there is not enough space, the traffic is too heavy… In addition, not all parks are pet-friendly and it is not always easy to find green spaces that accept pets and are safe for them.

That's why we're sharing with you our non-exhaustive list of places to run with your dog in Mexico City , whether you're a local or just visiting. Get ready to strengthen your bond as you explore the city in a new way, in the right places and with the right accessories. Ready to tie up the laces and adjust the leash? If you don't run, you can obviously also walk the routes we suggest in this article :-)

The best parks to run with your dog in CDMX

Chapultepec Forest - sections 2 and 3

Unfortunately, Section 1 of Chapultepec Park still prohibits dogs , no matter how well behaved they are. But pets are welcome in Sections 2 and 3 of the park . We especially enjoy walking the Chapultepec 2 loop, which is open 24 hours a day. The jacaranda trees are gorgeous in season, and the rest of the year they provide welcome shade along parts of the route. You can run near the lakes, and enter the more wooded part with your dog. We recommend that he or she be kept on a leash at all times as there are cars, bikes, and other pet owners around.

Black dog with martingale collar and leash

Mexico Park (and Amsterdam) in La Condesa

Mexico Park is small , but running with your dog in the outer ring is still enjoyable and doable. You can alternate and move to the Hipódromo de la Calle Amsterdam , although it is not technically a park. Before or after your jog, your pet can play in the fenced area dedicated to dogs . It can be a good way for him to socialize with his fellow dogs and pay more attention to you during the run.

Deer Park (Letrán Valle) and La Mexicana (Santa Fe)

These are two medium-sized parks that accept pets and offer a circuit of several kilometers for running. As in Parque México, they have an area dedicated to dogs where they can be off-leash, although at the rest of the time they have to be walked with a collar or harness and leash to avoid any incidents.

Safe urban routes

Gandhi Circuit

You can run quite comfortably with a dog on the Gandhi circuit that borders Polanco and the Juárez neighborhood, near the Tamayo and Anthropology museums. Be careful: there are many dogs loose on the grass. If your pet has socialization problems, be alert to possible dangers and avoid taking it off the leash.

Paseo de la Reforma Avenue (Sunday)

Every Sunday, a 20km stretch is closed to cars from 8am to 2pm . The route goes further than Paseo de la Reforma—check it out here to find out where it starts near your home—but we find it a particularly pet-friendly stretch. Overall, the car-free stretch makes for a great place to run and bike with your dog, unhindered by traffic. Join the 90,000 people who enjoy this wonderful opportunity every Sunday.

Sheepdogs in the dog area of ​​the dog park

Considerations before running with your dog

Before starting any physical activity with a pet, you should make sure that there are no obstacles to taking care of its health at all times. Consult a veterinarian or a trainer to resolve any doubts. Avoid running with your dog if it is sick, has an injury, or any discomfort in the paw pads . During exercise, think about its hydration , giving it small amounts of water throughout the activity.

Adjusting your departure time can be helpful : for example, in hot weather, dogs suffer from high temperatures. Consider the temperature of the asphalt if you run on the road and find out if it is not too hot for their pads. There is a risk of sunburn, as we explain in more depth in our article on animals and heat. If the weather is very cold , avoid leaving too early or late . If it is raining heavily, consider how to ensure your pet's well-being .

Another important consideration is your dog's physical fitness. Not all dogs are capable of running the same distances at the same speed. For older canines or puppies, too much physical exercise can be harmful. Consult your veterinarian for proper advice. Even if your dog is in good health and is used to walks, if you want to start running with him, canine behavior experts advise starting with short distances and gradually increasing the distance and/or speed.

Last detail: to be responsible owners , we should always try to respect others . When going out for a run with your dog, respect for other runners or passers-by and their pets is essential. Your dog should always be on a leash and know some basic commands: for example “come” or “let's go”, “heel”, “stop” , in the variants you use. In these circumstances, we like to recommend our martingale collar that allows you to have control over the dog without hurting its neck.

Now you have no excuse not to put on your sneakers and go out to exercise with your pet. Buy a light harness or collar + leash to avoid excess sweat and that matches your best sports outfit, and go jogging in style. Are you a runner and do you really like a route that we didn't mention? Don't hesitate to share it in the comments for the EPIC pets community!


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