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How to train my dog? The tricks and tips you were waiting for

Training is the topic that all pet owners consider. In Mexico, 7 out of 10 homes have a pet , in 80% of cases a dog. So many of us wonder how to get our dog to be well behaved and have the fullest life possible?

At EPIC pets, we do not believe in “harsh” techniques. We believe that the punishment collar is a tool that should be used with the utmost parsimony and we believe that dog training with positive reinforcement is an excellent way to achieve results.

Discover our tips and tricks below to help you train your dog.

Why it is important to educate our dogs

We should never forget that dog training is key to avoiding any incidents . Even if a dog does not go outside – or rarely goes outside – it is important to train it. Obviously, if you live in an apartment and your goal is to take your pet everywhere, having it behave well and knowing how to control itself makes your life easier .

Training your pet has additional benefits: all dogs need to be physically and mentally tired . Teaching them commands and tricks is a good way to expend their energy without having to leave the house. Taking the time to spend with your dog improves their mood, strengthens communication and the trust that unites you. Above all, it is about creating a special bond.

Two dogs walking with martingale collar, leash extension and leash

Where does good dog training begin?

There are several ways to train a dog: you can go to a professional trainer, who will train your dog alone or with your participation; leave your dog in an obedience center , or try it yourself . Most veterinarians and ethologists advise that you take an active role in the training process, except in very specific cases or with particularly difficult dogs.

We all know the basic dog commands : sit, down, stay, come – in your preferred language. There may be some that are more useful than others in your daily life , so you should prioritize what you will use the most. A tip: if you want to teach your dog a command , choose a place without distractions, in your house or in a familiar place , to avoid being distracted by a smell, another dog, or any kind of agitation. The same exercise can be carried out later on the street, increasing the difficulty.

Remember that the most important thing is to be patient and consistent. The results will come.

What positive dog training teaches us

In a nutshell, positive training is about encouraging and rewarding rather than dominating and scaring . Contrary to popular belief, positive training does not mean that the dog can do whatever it wants, or that the owner has no authority over it. The human should always be in control , but exercising control does not necessarily mean punishment or violent reactions.

It is a method that respects the animal's well-being and is based on positive reinforcement: instead of scolding, good behavior is rewarded , creating a climate of trust between pet and owner. It has very good results .

But first, it is important to know your dog in order to adapt the training method to his personality and determine what will work best for him. Without going to the other extreme, you can use “no” and give light tugs with a leash and collar adapted to indicate that a behavior is suboptimal. This does not mean that you will traumatize your pet.

bulldog wearing a black martingale collar and black leash

What are the best tools for training a dog?

Several elements are essential in the process of training a dog , so that you can maintain control over your pet or communicate with it in the most efficient way.

  • Gaze : In the training process, it is important to establish eye contact to ensure you have the pet's attention .
  • The tones of your voice: talking to your dog seems obvious, right? To get the best results, we should use our voice wisely. According to Diego, trainer and ethologist, there are three tones to address your pet. The “ white ” tone to congratulate and give love, which is used when we want to reinforce and encourage ; a “ grey ” tone to give instructions and warn him that he is doing something you don’t like and a “ black ” tone that clearly expresses your anger .
  • The collar and leash are key to training. We already touched on this in a previous article : the punishment collar is not always the solution. The martingale collar that we designed at EPIC pets works in the same way without the risk of hurting . It allows you to guide and correct gradually , without causing damage or injury to the dog's neck.
  • Treats: You can use any type of reward to reinforce positive behavior, even a clicker or a toy . Some pets don't respond as instantly to sounds, so treats may be the best option , especially in distracting environments like the outdoors. These rewards should be easy to carry and healthy for your pet, especially if he's in a very intense phase of his training – check the ingredients they contain.

We hope we have helped you choose – or come up with – the method that will help you train your dog in the most efficient way possible. Our products can make this process easier : check out our range of martingale collars and leads in the colours that best match your look and walk down the street with peace of mind.

Are you looking for natural and healthy treats ? Find here our selection specially designed to delight all canines. And… good luck!


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