Six exercises to train your dog and work on obedience
Training a dog to obey requires time , method and perseverance . We have already established in another article the importance of training our pets for everyday life. Now we propose six exercises to put our general advice into practice, keeping in mind their well-being and development. You will see: it has never been so easy to teach your dog tricks!
Some recommendations for training
Control exercises should be worked on in a distraction-free environment before increasing the difficulty. Indeed, starting in a familiar place, free of disturbances, provides the best learning conditions for the pet – and perhaps the owner. In any case, it avoids unnecessary frustration for both.
The owner (“ pack leader ”) must always adopt clear body language and communication with the dog. Using your voice in the best possible way is an excellent trick to be understood by an animal. It is important to give commands with determination , to be quite effusive when congratulating and on the contrary to scold with a strong voice , very different from the one used in neutral circumstances.
Likewise, it is essential not to confuse the dog with ambiguous attitudes or gestures . For example, if you play with your pet roughly and then react with a similar gesture to scold him, he will most likely not understand and feel confused.
Finding the right tools is crucial to dog training. What does your dog love most ? Does he live for treats , his ball , or a toy ? Start by having a treat on hand, a toy he's obsessed with, a suitable collar , and a leash. If your dog is very energetic or has trouble concentrating , training him when he's tired after an outing is more effective.
For the house
Sitting / sit / assis
This is the most “basic” command for a good reason. Sitting your dog allows you to set a boundary with him , it is an action that comes naturally to him, and it is very easy to learn . Even though teaching it may be easy, don’t forget to praise your dog when he succeeds.
You can use a treat , stand in front of the dog and show him the treat , before saying the command in a very clear voice. The treat is positioned above the dog's head, encouraging him to sit and eat it. You can also gently push the dog's hips to help with natural movement. After a few repetitions, try without a treat, just with the command .
Down / couché
For some dogs, this command is more difficult than for others. Fortunately, there is a fairly simple way to get them to the point you want. To tell the dog to lie down , you can use the treat from the sitting position . Clearly state the command “down” , then draw a line in the air between the dog’s nose and the ground with the treat , which should lead him to lie down naturally (like a sphinx). Here, give him the treat and praise him.
Quiet / stay / do not move
An excellent exercise for self-control . The principle is simple: the dog must sit or lie down and not move despite distractions. You can work in front of the door before the walk. Sit the dog and say the command in a certain voice, then slowly open the door. Even when he is facing the outside, he must not move. Every time he moves, return to the beginning of the exercise, closing the door . Here, the reward is the walk.
When he succeeds, release him by saying “come” and praise him. You can try the same way when you return from a walk, since the house is also seen as a reward for the dog.
Another exercise is done before eating. Sit the dog (on command), waiting for his kibble – or barf –, ask him to be still and slowly lower the bowl to the floor . If the dog moves, tell him a firm “no” and move the bowl away. When the dog is calm and the bowl is on the floor, give him the command “eat” pointing to his food .
To your bed / go to bed / au panier
This is a very useful command to keep your dog calm at home , with or without guests. It tells your dog to go to his bed, his “safe place.” In the same room where the bed is, say the command “to your bed,” point to the bed with your finger, and walk your dog to it. Praise him . If he goes, you will have to repeat the command. Over time, you will be able to give him this command from another room and he will naturally go to bed. Remember that going to bed should not be a punishment: it is, above all, a quiet place.
For the walk
Come (here) / come / come (here)
It is very important that our dog comes back to us if we release him in an open place , be it a park or a forest. It can even save his life and prevent him from running into a street or road. It is best to do this exercise indoors and with another person , who will stay next to the dog. Move a few steps away and give him the command along with his name, opening your arms . When he comes back to you, celebrate and give him the treat. You can gradually increase the distance and practice outside afterwards.
Together / heel / au pied
Many dogs pull too much on the leash . In this case, it is useful to implement the command “heel” so that he stays at your side instead of pulling in front of you. If your dog is reactive, when he passes another dog, you can also use this command by shortening the leash.
As with all other exercises, starting at home on a leash has certain benefits. Keep the treat close to you as you walk with your pet and repeat “together” several times . The dog earns the treat every time he stays attached to you for more than a few seconds. Gradually increase the time of the exercise until the treat is no longer needed.
The exercises end here. Remember that integrating them into your daily life is the key to success : several short training sessions work better than one long one a week . This experience should always be enjoyable for your dog and for you – avoid training him if you are in a bad mood – but we have no doubt that you will manage to be balanced and will soon feel like an expert trainer.
This time we are not focusing on the most impressive or funny tricks : having the basis of good canine behavior opens the door to many options to continue training and entertaining our dog –and ourselves– such as shaking hands, jumping, “telling gossip” etc. The sky is the limit. Happy training with EPIC pets!
Hola Ary,
Cada vez que puedas, organízate para sacar a tu cachorro antes de dejarlo solo por varias horas. El propósito de esta salida es cansarlo, ya sea jugando con él, entrenándolo con varios comandos, caminando o corriendo.
Cuando te vayas, déjale un juguete con premios (o un Kong lleno de crema de cacahuate congelada por ejemplo) que le ocupe un tiempo. Intenta proteger los muebles o restringir su acceso a ciertas partes de tu departamento ¡Suerte!
Hola, cómo le puedo hacer para mi perro de 6 meses no haga travesuras en casa cuando lo dejo uso por unas horas.
Gracias Rosa!
Y Rosy: siempre tenemos que tener mucha paciencia, ser constantes. A veces encontrar un(a) buen(a) educador(a) es difícil, es necesario hacer clic con él o ella.
Muy buena información,ya son dos veces que pago entrenamiento y no logro que hacer que no pelee y morder a la gente.
Me gustó mucho las recomendaciones de como educarlo gracias