A short practical guide on how to train your cat – part 2
In the first part of our practical guide on how to train your cat , we gave you some tips to help you understand and train your cat better . We talked about the correct way to scold a kitten, the litter box issue, and cats that bite or scratch while playing. Now, we 'll focus on their needs and how to improve their space to promote their well-being and prevent them from escaping.
Read more to find out what cats' most important needs are , how to take advantage of them to have a peaceful life together, and how to become an expert feline trainer.
Meeting a cat's needs
Although all cats are unique , they share basic needs to be happy, stress-free and have a good quality of life : sufficient access to food and water , toys and a scratching post , a clean place to go to the bathroom , and a safe area to relax and sleep .
Taking care of your cat's environment can reduce anxiety and the possible development of bad behavior , even illness.
- Food : Cats are hunters par excellence and, in the wild, they will eat small prey throughout the day. We therefore recommend leaving a small amount of food freely available at all times so that your cat can eat whenever hunger arises.
- Water : In the wild, cats get part of their water from their prey . At home, your cat should always have access to a water dish or a drinking bowl, especially if their food is dry (kibble).
- Hygiene : It is important to keep your cat's litter box clean , otherwise it can cause anxiety and lead him to not use it . His natural instinct is to bury his feces, so make sure to put the appropriate amount of litter in his box.
- Places of their own : Cats need to climb trees (or furniture) to monitor their surroundings . That's why providing your cat with a high place is ideal. It's also recommended to dedicate a safe space , such as a basket, where they won't be disturbed. It can be helpful to give this dimension to their carrier , so they'll be less stressed when going to the vet.
- Expending energy : Cats need to play, jump, scratch with their claws . They like their toys to be shaped like prey or to be food (this satisfies their predatory instinct).
- Human contact : Contact with the owner is essential but try not to force the interaction. Letting your cat choose when it receives affection is key. You can let it sniff your hands. Every cat is different, some like to be petted, others will prefer to play or just be close to you.
- Smells : Cats are very sensitive creatures to smells . You can take advantage of their sensitivity to avoid certain areas , but their safe place, their play area has to be free of strong smells (lavender or essential oils in general, scented detergent, etc.)
Now that we have covered the main needs of cats, let's move on to the most common training problems and how to remedy them.

How to stop my cat from getting on the table
The first thing to do is to remove things that might arouse your cat's interest from the table (food alone, papers, toys, etc.). When your cat gets on the table, put him back on the floor and tell him "no" in a firm tone so that he understands that this is not the behavior expected of him. Avoid rewarding the behavior by giving him food or petting him at all costs. You can give him a reward when he is on the floor.
If you notice your cat searching for food , make sure it has plenty of food available when it needs it. Cats sometimes seek out high places to get a good view of their territory. If they don't have one, buy a scratching post or set up a platform . Show them the spot and reward them when they get up there instead of on the table.
How to stop my cat from scratching the furniture
Cats scratch for a variety of reasons: because they need to sharpen their claws, because they want to mark their territory, or to stretch and release stress. Stopping a cat from scratching is nearly impossible, but instead, you can redirect its attention to places where it can vent its energy without negative consequences.
If you don't have access to a garden with trees, a scratching post is a good start. To discourage bad behavior, you can use a spray of alcohol and neutral soap on the area he scratches or put a few drops of essential oil on it, which will convince him to go away. You can only scold him if you catch him in the act. Remember that it is always possible to reward him when he uses the scratching post .
How to stop my cat from going outside
Not all cats feel the need to leave their apartment or house, but when they do, the fear of getting lost or something happening to them is strong . We cannot recommend enough the use of a collar and an identification tag with your phone number (and now your pet's RUAC ). Start by being careful with open doors and windows . If you have a balcony , install a gate that allows your cat to see around it without falling.
Beyond preventive measures, you should make sure that your cat's environment is stimulating enough to expend its energy . You can build a vertical circuit for him, with several platforms to jump on. It also works to play with him using plush mice, fishing rods, offering intelligence toys and hiding rewards to mentally tire him out.
Finally, remember that unsterilized cats in heat have a natural instinct to seek a partner by leaving their home. Spaying your cat can be useful to prevent hormonal marking, fighting, or getting lost outside .
In short, understanding cats' needs allows us to provide them with a better life, whatever their environment. Pay close attention to their food, water, hygiene areas, and opportunities to play and scratch, have positive interactions with your pet, and love them a lot. We hope that our advice has helped you to better understand your cat. With this foundation, you will surely improve their well-being, their health, and the relationship that unites you . Good luck in the educational process!
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