A short practical guide on how to train your cat – part 1
Most people have some idea of how to train a dog . Training a cat, on the other hand , is a bit more complicated. Many people know that felines don't follow the same rules , but especially in small spaces like an apartment or a house, it's important to find a way to encourage good behavior and correct bad habits in our cats.
In this article, find out how to avoid problematic behaviour in everyday life and more practical tips on cat training for a peaceful life together.
How to forbid a cat to do something? How to punish it correctly?
First, let's understand our cats . They are territorial creatures, who need to take over every dimension of their space , occupy it and mark it, since that is their way of functioning as felines. Cats do not understand the hierarchy that exists between humans and pets, they consider their owner to be a very large cat with strange habits. In other words, your house is first and foremost their house and that is normal. So, if you are afraid of them breaking objects , our first advice would be to remove the most fragile items from your space or place them in less accessible places.
Unlike dogs, you have to be careful when scolding a cat. Punishing it verbally or with rough gestures can create a climate of fear and mistrust, the opposite of what we want for our relationship with it. However, it is necessary to teach it not to do certain things, to prohibit it from doing certain places for reasons of safety (for example the stove, the electrical installation) or for personal comfort (getting on furniture, the kitchen table).
Remember that you should start with just one prohibition and wait for the cat to understand it before adding another. Indeed, if you prohibit too many things at once, the cat can become stressed and develop undesirable behaviours such as dirtiness, or even aggression or illness.
If you try to ban him from a place, every time he goes to it, move him with both hands and put him where he can be, telling him firmly “no” . If you want him to learn, don’t give up the habit before he understands, or you will have lost the battle. Another option is to spray him with water at the moment he exhibits the unwanted behavior.
It's not necessary—or efficient— to punish him further. If you're persistent , you should start to see results quickly . If you forbid him from scratching your couch and one day he decides to scratch his cat tree, you can give him a treat to reinforce the positive behavior .

How to teach a cat to use the litter box
Cats have a natural instinct to do their business in sand or dirt. When you bring your cat home, showing him the litter box should be enough to help him understand where to go. The box should be deep enough to hold the amount of litter needed to bury the feces . Place it in a comfortable place for him (avoid dark, cold or noisy places) and try not to place it near his water and food.
The litter box should be completely changed every week and the box should be washed to prevent any infection. Ideally, solid waste should be removed daily using a scoop. If your cat is small , make sure that he can comfortably get in and out of his litter box .
How to stop my cat from peeing everywhere (or on my plants)
There are several reasons why your cat starts urinating or defecating outside of its litter box , and these justify different courses of action. First, clean up the litter box thoroughly to prevent it from identifying this space as its “bathroom.” Next, check to make sure the litter box is clean . Cats are very bothered by dirt, so if you don’t clean it every day, at least removing feces and urinated parts, your cat will probably look for another place to relieve itself. This could be the floor of your apartment, your plants, even your bed.
If your cat starts to relieve itself on your plants, you can place stones that will prevent it from scratching the soil, which will make the pots much less comfortable. A few drops of mint or lavender essential oil can also help.
Some male cats are very aggressive in marking their territory , so neutering can be an alternative to prevent this behavior. Another measure is to “ enrich ” their environment with a scratching post and intelligence toys adapted to prevent your cat from urinating out of stress or marking their territory out of boredom . Some cats respond very well to catnip , which stimulates them or reduces their stress. It may be useful to put dehydrated leaves in their favorite toys to see how they react.
Remember that you can only use indirect punishment (with a water spray) or a flat “no” if you catch your cat in the act . Scolding him at the wrong time is counterproductive.

How do I stop my cat from biting (or scratching) me?
Playtime is important for all pets, especially kittens. But if your cat consistently scratches or bites your hands or feet, it becomes less enjoyable and can even be dangerous. Don't worry, it is possible to teach a cat not to bite and to tone down its aggression during playtime.
If you have had your cat since it was a kitten, you must make it clear to him that biting or scratching is wrong . Even if the bites do not hurt like those of an adult cat, avoid at all costs letting him bite or scratch while playing to avoid encouraging this behavior.
Whether your dog is a puppy or an adult, if he starts biting, react by stopping the game, hiding his hands for example. You can make a loud, high-pitched noise to pretend that it hurt you. Avoiding playing with your hands by using adapted toys such as a fishing rod or laser are other solutions. Once he has learned to control himself, reinforce positive behavior with caresses or a reward .
Be careful! If your cat tries to get away or bites you while you are petting him, it may be his way of setting a limit and letting you know that he has had enough or that he does not like you touching him in a special place. In this case, you should leave him alone and under no circumstances scold him.
Even if the task seems difficult, don't worry: with patience and cunning, you will be able to live with your cat in perfect harmony. Arm yourself with the right tools : such as his favorite toys or some healthy and 100% natural cat treats made from sirloin strips , dehydrated heart or dehydrated lung . If you enrich his territory – your apartment or house – with elements designed for felines, you will soon have the most well-behaved cat in his colony.
Here's an extra tip: when you come home at the end of the day, give him a treat when he comes home . Your cat will think you're an excellent hunter who accomplishes his daily goal and will respect you more for it :)
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